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In tracker pie|bar chart based over a selectbox be able to display a custom color for 100 value

part of story #14824 change color of "none" value How to test: Forge the table tracker_field_list_bind_decorator and add a color for 100 value of a given field. in tracker report add a pie chart based on this field => the color of none value, is the one forged in db Change-Id: I4c008be6c2fef7e17051b56069bc21ccab26f400

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/FormElement/Tracker_FormElement_Field_List_Bind.class.php +1 −6 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/FormElement/Tracker_FormElement_Field_List_Bind_Static.class.php +10 −8 Go to diff View file