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Current value returned by the compat PDO DAR should be the same than the mysql_* DAR

Currently it returns null instead of false when no result is available. This might cause issue when a strict comparaison against false is done to ensure no result exists. This contribution also reverts the fix made in commit e8936daa6391e7d6e230d2b9c0f09ed8a1264064 (request #11695). The fix was working but was only needed because the compatibility layer is imperfect. This is part of story #11146: Provide PDO by default for all Tuleap DB query Change-Id: I2da4244d4a72b2bb1bb46b8b6f743f8b68c331bc

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/ConfigNotificationAssignedTo.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M src/common/DB/Compat/Legacy2018/CompatPDODataAccessResult.php +9 −3 Go to diff View file