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request #14514 Improve reliability of the tracker workflow end-to-end test

How to test: - make tests_cypress should succeed Notes: As long as cypress does not support stubbing "fetch" requests, we will have to rely on the following workaround: We delete the native window.fetch and rely on the fact that "tlp.js" will polyfill "fetch" on top of XHR. Without this, cypress does not see network requests, and we cannot wait for them to finish. Change-Id: I540d3a57016f1cac52ec7ad725b9c23d4f90d1db

Modified Files

M tests/e2e/full/cypress/integration/tracker_workflow_spec.js +21 −11 Go to diff View file
M tests/e2e/full/cypress/support/commands.js +16 −2 Go to diff View file