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PHP unit tests can be executed without failures when /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem does not exist

Unit tests introduced in 05664bad81d035494237d31c8f1343131e20d2dc have considered the tests were always executed on a CentOS7+/Fedora based systems. Other systems have different paths for the CA bundle. The situation is annoying in a dev environnement that is not Fedora based as you get failures that are "normal". Also, it should be expected to execute the test suite with success in environnements similar to production and (unfortunately) there are still Tuleap instances running on CentOS 6. In any cases, a setting was made to find the path of this file. Hardcoding it in the test cases should not be required. Part of story #14768 have a tuleap enterprise edition docker image production ready Change-Id: Ie0478d3b26e69345ab136dc3403eede98192bb41

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M tests/unit/common/svn/SVN_Apache_ModPerlTest.php +13 −6 Go to diff View file