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request #14385 Old field project_desc_name:full_desc does not have thier label converted in new tracker creation

How to reproduce: forge your db and insert following legacy insert lines lines: INSERT INTO tuleap.group_desc (group_desc_id, desc_required, desc_name, desc_description, desc_rank, desc_type) VALUES (101, 0, 'project_desc_name:full_desc', '<b>*** IMPORTANT NOTE ***</b> Make sure you provide a detailed description that contains all the keywords that will help others to find and reuse your software component. Failing to provide an accurate description may also delay the approval of your project.', 10, 'text'); INSERT INTO tuleap.group_desc (group_desc_id, desc_required, desc_name, desc_description, desc_rank, desc_type) VALUES (104, 0, 'project_desc_name:other_comments', 'Anything you''d like to say about your projects that is not covered above. For instance, if your software is used in other products you might want to list them here. If the soft is being commercialized you can also give information about pricing or the person to contact, etc. ', 90, 'text'); Create a new project with new project creation form => in step 2, labels are correctly displayed Change-Id: I08f3595d036fd5b96629a479669f64a77a835c29

Modified Files

M src/common/Project/Admin/DescriptionFields/DescriptionFieldAdminPresenterBuilder.php +2 −13 Go to diff View file
A src/common/Project/Admin/DescriptionFields/DescriptionFieldLabelBuilder.php +38 −0 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Project/Admin/DescriptionFields/ProjectDescriptionFieldBuilder.php +1 −13 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Project/Registration/ProjectRegistrationPresenterBuilder.php +14 −1 Go to diff View file
A tests/phpunit/common/Project/Registration/ProjectRegistrationPresenterBuilderTest.php +142 −0 Go to diff View file