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Do not add members to already existing FRS_Admin ugroups

part of story #9281 define FRS global permissions To test you must: 1. Erase existing frs admin perms: DELETE FROM frs_global_permissions WHERE permission_type = 'FRS_ADMIN'; 2. Erase existing FRS_Admin ugroups: DELETE ugroup_user.* FROM ugroup_user INNER JOIN ugroup USING (ugroup_id) WHERE = 'FRS_Admin'; DELETE FROM ugroup WHERE name = 'FRS_Admin'; 3. Revert the execution of the current bucket: DELETE FROM forge_upgrade_bucket WHERE script LIKE '%/201607281200_migrate_existing_permissions.php'; 4. Create a ugroup named 'FRS_Admin' in a project with frs and add a user that was not a legacy file administrator (file_flags != 2 in user_group table for the current project) 5. Run forgeupgrade command. Expected result: ---------------- * There are two FRS_Admin ugroup in the project * The firt one (before forgeupgrade) does not change * The second one has only file administrators Change-Id: I5b522d42f92c9b94863cbf88ef150cc86445b6e6

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M src/db/mysql/updates/2016/201607281200_migrate_existing_permissions.php +22 −6 Go to diff View file