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request #19282 : One test should always take focus in tests list

This makes sure a test in tests list, and one only, always has `tabindex="0"`. Therefore user should always be able to enter the tests list. We need to set tabindex upon page load and filtering ; Using `execution-list-filter` as a workaround to trigger this function allows to do that. However, filtering out and straight back in an active test tab will leave `tabindex=0` on both first and active test tabs. Change-Id: I911faab4269d0ba918c016d02a07da6a271f8ed5

Modified Files

M plugins/testmanagement/scripts/testmanagement/src/execution/execution-list-controller.js +0 −17 Go to diff View file
M plugins/testmanagement/scripts/testmanagement/src/execution/execution-list-filter.js +23 −0 Go to diff View file