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request #13093: Ensure DB connection is still up after archiving an artifact before its deletion

When an artifact is deleted, an archive is generated before the deletion really happen. Archiving the artifact can take quite a long time without any DB interactions so the DB server might decide to close the connection. If the connection is closed, the deletion does not happen because the DB can not be reached anymore. Change-Id: I1aef5bec82e65c216efce5ad0e451c688d60c804

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/Artifact/ArtifactsDeletion/ArchiveAndDeleteArtifactTask.php +13 −5 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/Artifact/ArtifactsDeletion/ArchiveAndDeleteArtifactTaskBuilder.php +4 −1 Go to diff View file
A plugins/tracker/phpunit/Tracker/Artifact/ArtifactsDeletion/ArchiveAndDeleteArtifactTaskTest.php +57 −0 Go to diff View file