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feat: apply "null => notrun" rule to DocGen

Given you are on a tracker report on test executions And there is a test exec with steps without status (aka null) When you download the document, Then the steps are considered as notrun (instead of empty status). This is to align behavior with what have been done in testplan[1]. Part of story #23462: export test plan as a docx document [1]: git #tuleap/stable/a70251dc1eca609280111c23a6191ce1ba38dce1 Change-Id: I339f2698b6075bfae5ba9fb1f8778c4c0d4fc439

Modified Files

M plugins/document_generation/scripts/lib/docx/src/Artifact/artifact-formatter.ts +2 −2 Go to diff View file
M plugins/document_generation/scripts/tracker-report-action/src/DocumentBuilder/create-export-document.test.ts +2 −2 Go to diff View file