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Disable Wamstime features not needed in Tuleap context

Wasmtime has a set of default features [0] enabling part of the code that is not necessary for our usage: * `async`: not used at the moment * `cache` and `wat`: we expect to pre-process the WASM module the users provide us * `jitdump` and `vtune`: we are unlikely to do this type of profiling in production Keeping only the features we need result in a smaller library (and compilation time) and reduce a bit our attack surface. To test rebuild and redeploy the package on your dev (or manually build it with `cargo-build-glibc217 --release` and symlink to it inside the container). Part of story #31077: deploy a WebAssembly module to validate incoming references as a pre-receive hook [0] Change-Id: I68ba8fc9bbd9a2d4c1d20a72df64fd3c94116195

Modified Files

M src/additional-packages/wasmtime-wrapper-lib/Cargo.lock +1 −356 Go to diff View file
M src/additional-packages/wasmtime-wrapper-lib/Cargo.toml +1 −1 Go to diff View file