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feat: remove tasks that have parent from same tracker

Given the following setup: ```mermaid graph TD Epic1 --> Story1 Epic1 --> Epic2 Epic2 --> Story2 Epic2 --> Story3 Epic3 Epic4 ``` Only Epic1, Epic3, and Epic4 are listed. Epic2 will be displayed once display of children will be done. story #20979: Display children in Roadmap Change-Id: Iaa255595cd04302fb6e30e5f19e27182c151f2ae

Modified Files

M plugins/roadmap/include/Roadmap/REST/v1/RoadmapTasksRetriever.php +5 −0 Go to diff View file
M plugins/roadmap/tests/unit/Roadmap/REST/v1/RoadmapTasksRetrieverTest.php +159 −0 Go to diff View file