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request #8943: Closed Milestones are not being displayed

To reproduce this bug: Given you already have a 'Release' tracker configured in AgileDashboard, add any list field (e.g. selectbox) to it. The closed Releases should no longer appear when you load them and you should see a javascript error about duplicates in ngRepeat. To test this: - load closed releases. Check that open releases still load. - change the status semantic: only one closed value - change the status semantic: three closed values - remove the status semantic: all releases should be "open" Change-Id: Ide53dcd3ce45f3632c1c33d8ad0424a84ee7c8d8

Modified Files

M plugins/agiledashboard/include/AgileDashboard/Milestone/MilestoneDao.class.php +7 −4 Go to diff View file