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request #13753: Use Lerna to install the JS dependencies of all Tuleap components

This is more of a real life experiment than a real necessity right now. The goal is, for now, to see if how it behaves in the build pipeline and in the development environements. Dependency hoisting is explicitely disabled for now, it would requires some (minimal) changes in the way we work with the dependencies and some special handling for the plugins maintained outside the main Tuleap repositories. Ultimately, we could replace our remaining gulpfile with it. Adventurous Tuleap developers with some knowledge of the build system can start experimenting with it. Here are some examples of what you can do with it (everything is supposed to be executed from the root folder and prefixed with ./node_modules/.bin/ or npx): * lerna run build # Execute the build script of all components, you might want to add --concurrency X * lerna run watch --no-bail --stream # Execute the watch script of all components * lerna clean # Remove the node_modules directory of all components Change-Id: Id91a839ee6b12e918cc31df9328a4e599e6e71a6

Modified Files

A lerna.json +8 −0 Go to diff View file
M package-lock.json +10066 −5664 Go to diff View file
M package.json +2 −1 Go to diff View file
M tools/utils/scripts/component-builder.js +2 −11 Go to diff View file