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request #14631: Renaming a user group is not propagated to legacy SVN access files

Reproduction steps: 1. Have a "SVN core" repository 2. Rename a user group 3. Wait for the system event Issue has been introduced by git #tuleap/stable/e27cae894aa547349f58159875a2d7f4eaa59507. Change-Id: Ib40293c6979a2d19b5977cef5f0e51365f7c3fc5

Modified Files

M src/common/system_event/include/SystemEvent_UGROUP_MODIFY.class.php +5 −0 Go to diff View file
M tests/phpunit/common/SystemEvent/include/SystemEvent_UGROUP_MODIFYRenameTest.php +16 −1 Go to diff View file