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request #21333: @tuleap/vue-breadcrumb-privacy uses a built-in HTML element as component ID when built in prod mode

The issue is visible when the library is built in prod mode but the Tuleap core scripts are built in dev mode (otherwise the warning is silenced). Trace: ``` [Vue warn]: Do not use built-in or reserved HTML elements as component id: u ``` The issue is caused indirectly by the minifier that will attempt to squeeze a few bits by changing the class name. Since we are using vue-class-component the default ID attributed to the component is the class name. To avoid any issue we now explicitely set the name of the component. Change-Id: Ife8494b5f02604ec1e4a2d904d4d813922a3113e

Modified Files

M src/scripts/lib/vue-breadcrumb-privacy/src/BreadcrumbPrivacy.vue +1 −1 Go to diff View file