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Remaining effort badge should take the background color

Part of story #11543 Use new palette colors as background color in A.D How to test: - Given that a card has no initial effort, then the initial effort badge will be grey - Otherwise, given a background color is configured and appears on a card, then the initial effort badge will have the selected primary color and the remaining effort progress bar will also have the primary color - Otherwise, the initial effort badge will have the tracker's primary color and the remaining effort progress bar will also have the tracker's primary color Change-Id: I0006efb7ba95b099999c21f0070b62a41b0f3e07

Modified Files

M plugins/agiledashboard/www/js/planning-v2/src/app/backlog-item/backlog-item-details/backlog-item-details-controller.js +8 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/agiledashboard/www/js/planning-v2/src/app/backlog-item/backlog-item-details/backlog-item-details.tpl.html +2 −2 Go to diff View file