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request #24154: Grouping a bar chart on a field with "None" values throws an error

Reproduction steps: 1. Create a bar chart 2. Select some source data 3. Group the chart on a field with "None" values Issue has been introduced by git#tuleap/stable/8caab9b09e86d9c472bb80b1c4521eacde728e53 Change-Id: I8d77ef16931481724a4050f5a122fb01a59a8008

Modified Files

M plugins/graphontrackersv5/include/graphic-library/BarChartDataBuilder.php +8 −7 Go to diff View file
M plugins/graphontrackersv5/tests/Tuleap/GraphOnTrackersV5/GraphicLibrary/BarChartDataBuilderTest.php +14 −0 Go to diff View file