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The test endpoint for uploading document can authenticate users like the REST API

The whole flow to upload a document through the REST API is going to be following: 1. Do a POST request to the REST API to create the new document 2. The REST API will respond with an URL to upload the actual file content 3. The user will upload the file to the provided endpoint using the tus protocol Since the user will have to upload the file outside of the "classic" REST API it means the user should be able to authenticate to this endpoint in the same ways than the REST API. To access the test endpoint see the information given when it has been introduced in 426ca739d33e52787ad1439f52a5c8d658d56c8d. This is part of story #12612: upload document via REST route Change-Id: I362f7925e63789ccc179b4d3c08c694abc6e43b4

Modified Files

M plugins/docman/include/Upload/FileUploadController.php +28 −5 Go to diff View file
M plugins/docman/include/docmanPlugin.class.php +5 −1 Go to diff View file