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Only consider enabled workflow

Part of request #21780 Program management doesn't check if workflow is actually enabled How to test: - Go to a Team project - go to the Mirrored Program Increment or Mirrored Iteration tracker (if you've used a Scrum template like me, either "Release" or "Sprint") - Set up a workflow on the Status field - go to the Program of your Team. Browse a page where you can create a Program Increment or an Iteration (for example Tracker reports) - check the program management logs - when the workflow is disabled, you can create a PI or Iteration - when the workflow is enabled, you can't create a PI or Iteration and the logs tell you a workflow is used with a synchronized field. Change-Id: Id54e41b57463162af11907fabb4f3dcf2a3daadd

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M plugins/tracker/include/Workflow/Workflow_Dao.class.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file