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GET /pull_requests/{id}/reviewers only returns users able to access the PR

The REST endpoint to udpate the reviewers on a PR rejects users that cannot access it. Having those ones in the retrieved list will cause discrepancies when updating it. Also this might be confusing for the users since they might expect a review from one reviewer that can not access the code. The situation where a user is in the list of reviewers but cannot access it can only happen when permissions are changed. Part of story #14190: get email notifications on pull requests - first stage Change-Id: Ibce76dde52880667a71faf49f094f483130f9c79

Modified Files

M plugins/pullrequest/include/PullRequest/REST/v1/PullRequestsResource.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/pullrequest/include/PullRequest/Reviewer/ReviewerRetriever.php +21 −5 Go to diff View file
M plugins/pullrequest/phpunit/Reviewer/ReviewerRetrieverTest.php +29 −3 Go to diff View file