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request #12195 FRS cypress tests are unstable

How to reproduce (locally): Limit your run container in docker-composer-e2e-full-tests under image: tuleap-run-e2e-tests-v2 add following limitations: mem_limit: 1000000000 memswap_limit: 2000000000 cpu_quota: 50000 Launch your tests: make tests_cypress check resluts in test_results_e2e_full you should not have frs related failures if failures happened on other plugin please ignore them (I know docman is impacted and I'll correct it in a dedicated patchset) Why this issue: create/update is done in ajax in frs (frsajax.php) due to the slow performances issues of server the visit is done before the release update => the assertion fail Change-Id: Ia661654ac00422dfe6013a808d5f1f1e7feacd02

Modified Files

M tests/e2e/full/cypress/integration/frs_spec.js +13 −1 Go to diff View file