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request #15069: Git LFS batch response endpoint should not return an error 500 for a permission denied

When returning a permission denied error the endpoint sets a 500 status code instead of 403. A similar issue can be observed when the endpoint throws a NotFoundException. This is caused by the specific handling of exception done in LFSJSONHTTPDispatchable. This specificity is needed to be compatible with the Git LFS specification [0]. However, the same issue could have happened elsewhere so this contribution fixes the issue by preventing developers to set an error code when instantiating a ForbiddenException or a NotFoundException and instead enforces the error code to be 403 or 404. Reproduction scenario: 1. Migrate a Git repository to Gerrit 2. With a standard user that can read the repository try to push some LFS objects to it with something like "GIT_TRACE=1 GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=1 git lfs push --all" [0] Change-Id: I7870cd2dbcabf067ef8b778f24bb7c10104571b0

Modified Files

M src/common/Request/ForbiddenException.php +6 −5 Go to diff View file
M src/common/Request/NotFoundException.php +8 −3 Go to diff View file
A tests/unit/common/Request/ForbiddenExceptionTest.php +41 −0 Go to diff View file
A tests/unit/common/Request/NotFoundExceptionTest.php +34 −0 Go to diff View file