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request #14353: Build fail after a 'npm ci' at the source root

It seems there is difference (maybe a bug?) in the generated node_modules tree after a `npm ci` and `npm install`. The tree generated with `npm ci` can not be used to build Tuleap. To workaround the issue, the usage of `npm ci` in the Makefile target is removed . It was initially used to workaround another bug/missing feature anyway and our test pipeline make sure the lockfiles are in sync with our package.json files. This contribution also updates the root npm lockfile that seems to have been "semi-broken" by one the `npm dedupe` actions done with the last month dependency updates (doing `npm ci` followed by `npm install` changes the lockfile, that should not happen) Change-Id: I6bd46295ab1d5fe327b147756f4f8a38620c636d

Modified Files

M Makefile +1 −1 Go to diff View file
M package-lock.json +577 −0 Go to diff View file