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Fixes request #29631: REST endpoint artifacts/:id/changesets is slow when many changesets exist

This contribution changes the way the result is built: instead of retrieving and building data for all the changesets of an artifact and then keep only what we need for the page we are currently looking at, we first keep only what we need and then we do the heavy work. Note this can be even better by only retrieving the changesets we need first but at this stage this is unlikely to be an issue. Retrieving and instatiating the high level Tracker_Artifact_Changeset is fairly cheap in comparison of retrieving all the information associated with it. If/when retrieving all the changesets of an artifact becomes an issue it will require far more work and re-design because it means that `Artifact::getChangesets` has to go. Change-Id: I6d9d173f72c5a905f3863cc7f1b86aa46e9abbab

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker/include/REST/Artifact/ArtifactRepresentationBuilder.php +4 −6 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/include/REST/v1/ArtifactsResource.class.php +1 −1 Go to diff View file