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request #6521 - Burndown computation seems broken

Please note that we are not ranking with the date as this is not discriment enough. If 2 changeset have the same timestamp (for instance with workflow trigger) we end up with 2 matching changeset instead of one. To avoid this situation, we order with (unique). Please note however that, ranking by changeset id, can be misleading if we start to introduce changes in the past (the new changeset will have a newer id but it's date might be before). 99% of the time it should be transparent. Change-Id: Ibeadd6339e45ac5f51355cdffa04f510ef3ed193

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M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/FormElement/dao/Tracker_FormElement_Field_ComputedDao.class.php +15 −2 Go to diff View file