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fix: adapt e2e modal test to new link field

part of story #24969 [modal] add and remove links (replace current artifact link) Now the old link field has been trashed, we have to adapt the existing tests to the new link. To do so we have now to: - Open the link selector - Type a query in the search field - Select the artifact found - Click on the [remove] button Change-Id: I05749cd94a95a5706ccb61d4422ed0faac6ce0b9

Modified Files

M plugins/agiledashboard/tests/e2e/cypress/cypress/integration/artifact-modal.spec.ts +21 −4 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/scripts/lib/artifact-modal/src/adapters/UI/fields/link-field-v2/LinkField.ts +31 −25 Go to diff View file