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REST Test computed V2

part of story #9090 have computed fields compatible with artifact links v2 New REST test. Given a tracker LevelOne, with a computed field total_effort, target on effort_estimate and using fast compute. Given a tracker LevelTwo, with a computed field total_effort, target on effort_estimate. Given a tracher LevelThree with an int field effort_estimate, In levelOne you should see sum of effort_estimate of tracker LevelThree. Change-Id: Iec1a5b52e0cc2d43200d3fc748c87656885da898

Modified Files

M tests/lib/rest/TestDataBuilder.php +86 −11 Go to diff View file
M tests/rest/ArtifactsTest.php +61 −10 Go to diff View file
M tests/rest/_fixtures/tuleap_computedfields_template.xml +20 −0 Go to diff View file