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Block artifacts REST routes

part of story #12160 - have a clean way to suspend a project /artifact_files and /artifact_temporary_files don't need to be blocked as it is the artifact which references the file. Routes to test: - get /artifacts - post /artifacts - delete /artifacts/{id} - get /artifacts/{id} - patch /artifacts/{id} - put /artifacts/{id} - get /artifacts/{id}/links - get /artifacts/{id}/linked_artifacts - get /artifacts/{id}/changesets How to test: /!\ For routes requiring a source/target artifact and a source/target tracker, please make sure that an error is thrown if the artifact OR the tracker come from a suspended project - For siteadmin --> GET routes still works if the project is suspended --> Other routes throw 403 errors - For regular users --> 403 errors, 403 errors everywhere Change-Id: I6be5d5a05ac94d688661d9bb82650742482be93c

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker/include/REST/v1/ArtifactsResource.class.php +92 −23 Go to diff View file