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Fix the "javascript error: NotFoundError: Node was not found" error in console

This is a part of story #13589 Update hardcoded metadata The error was displayed when the user cancels the update of a folder The error might be explained by the fact that we try to hide the update modal two times When we call the 'tlp-modal-hiden', the modal is destroyed, so when we call this.modal.hide() in the component, we try to destroy a modal already destroyed... No functionnal changes expected. When you cancel your folder update, you should not have error anymore . Change-Id: I5b7420ab3085ea16d3acd1240286a04c198911ce

Modified Files

M plugins/document/scripts/document/components/Folder/ModalUpdateMetadata/UpdateFolderMetadataModal.vue +0 −3 Go to diff View file