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request #8839: Call to sparklines.php should be made in POST to avoid errors

Currently, when you have a lot of references you will get an HTTP error 414 "Request URI too long". This cause two issues: * sparklines can not be processed as expected since you never get the expected answer from the server * it makes the error logs of the web server less useful since we have a lot of garbage data RFC 7231 in section 4.3.3 [1] says that POST can be used for "Providing a block of data [...] to a data-handling process" and sparklines.php can be qualified of a data-handling process. Please note, the same patch has been proposed in commit 60cf808 and then reverted in 8cad956 but I can not find a reason for the initial change to be reverted aside from the fact the initial contribution was published during a merge with another patch that is not related to it. [1] Change-Id: I3b4fcefd63307b2257cadf8f1a994c5344fb31be

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