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Workflow legacy transitions can be deactivated with REST

This is part of request #12775 Workflow post actions are executed even on disabled workflow This is also part of story #12189 prevent field modification according to state A new query can be provided to PATCH trackers/:id like: { "workflow": { "is_legacy": false } } It's not possible to switch a worklow to a legacy state. If the user set is_legacy to true, an error will be thrown. Change-Id: I2eaa9d99d4178e038d0b9cd79d9c99c96884cdfc

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker/include/REST/v1/TrackersResource.class.php +24 −1 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/include/workflow/WorkflowFactory.class.php +2 −2 Go to diff View file