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request #27911 Have too many artifact can make the tracker report very slow

If there are too many artifacts in a tracker (60k reported), access to the report can be very slow and eventually lead to a timeout. Technical information : This comes from a query that can take a very long time. - we search all the matching ids of the current report - We search for all field of those matching ids with IN (matching_ids) which can take too much time. --> we decided limit the number of matching ids before search all the fields informations We can see for the aggregate functions to have better performances if needed. Performances : Tests has been done with 65k artifacts / 16 fields displayed in report Before : - 9.23s - 8.02s I/O wait - 49,3 MB memory - 953 SQL queries in 7.32 s After : - 5.33s - 4.13s I/O wait - 49,9 MB memory - 1055 SQL queries in 3.85 s Change-Id: Ie3a9103526dedc978ffbfdfead63d24357db2f17

Modified Files

M plugins/tracker/include/Tracker/Report/Tracker_Report_Renderer_Table.class.php +137 −32 Go to diff View file
M plugins/tracker/tests/unit/Tracker/Report/TrackerReportRendererTableTest.php +1 −20 Go to diff View file