    story #13569 define a default value for computed fields
scrum admin
define a default value for computed fields

I can use them in Scrum charts even if my teams doesn't do estimations.

Functional overview

Typical use case

The nominal use case is to setup a Scrum Dashboard that should provides high level indicators but for a team that doesn't practice (yet?) estimations. They will create Stories, some of them will be split in tasks and we want to have some indicators about effort / velocity / etc. Everything will be computed out of number of cards, workflow post actions and triggers.

Stories have

  • Initial effort (computed field, default value: 10)
  • Remaining effort (computed field, default value: 10)

Tasks have:

  • Initial effort (float, default value: 1)
  • Remaining effort (float, default value: 1)

The team populate the top backlog with 3 stories:

  • Story A: initial effort 10 (default value), remaining effort: 10 (default value)
  • Story B: initial effort 10 (default value), remaining effort: 10 (default value)
  • Story C with 2 tasks: initial effort: 2 (sum of tasks default values), remaining effort: 2 (sum of tasks default values)

Then they Create a new release 1.0 and assign the 2 stories to it:

  • Release 1.0 initial effort: 22 (sum of the 2 default values + autocomputed),  remaining effort: 22
  • The burn-down initial value should be 22
  • The burn-up total effort should be 22

During the life of the iteration:

  • When Story A is completed, the burn-up line climbs-up to 10 (default value)
  • Burn-down will only change when story C is modified
    • When a task will be closed, due to workflow post actions, the line will drop by 1 (remaining effort from 1 to 0)
    • Without a manual intervention, when story A or B will be done, the line won't move (remaining effort still with default value)

Functional details

As a tracker admin, In tracker admin fields usage, "Computed" fields can now have a default value.

This default value can be empty (no value) or any float value.

When a default value is configured, any new artifact will have a manual value set to the default value. In order to switch from the default value to the autocomputed, the user will have to:

  • Add new linked artifacts (otherwise autocomputation is meaningless)
  • Explicitely switch from "Manual value" to autocomputed (like any other manual values)

Rational behind the default value as manual value

The default value must be managed as a "Manual value"  (as opposed to a "faked" autocomputed) for several reasons:

  • From a user point of view the history record is clear. The initial value was set to X (default value, manual) and at some point it was decided to switch to autocomputed, the history trail is clear, easy to understand.
  • As a side effect, its also easier for the user (and for the support team that will have to answer the question) to undersand how the various graphs (brun-up, burn-down, velocity) are computed. It might already be a bit complex to get it (due to the fact that it takes into account the historical values), when the magic of default + autocomputation is added, it will be impossible to tell if a point in the graph was accurate or not.
  • From a technical point of view, we don't have the mean to "connect" the update of 2 fields that would be required here (the update of artifact link under some condition should toggle the default value of another one).
  • We don't have to manage the following use case:
    • Artifact is created (default value applies)
    • A link is added (default value is gone, computed value is used)
    • The link is removed => what should we have
      • 0 ?
      • Default value ?


  • [ ] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [ ] Are there any mockups?
  • [ ] Are permissions checked?
  • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [ ] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
2019-10-09 11:39
2019-07-01 10:19



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