    story #21379 Display iterations on top of roadmap
Display iterations on top of roadmap

I can have an overview of the iterations timeframes

User can configure the widget to display 0, 1, or 2 iteration trackers (for example to display Relases, or to display Releases + Sprints). The selected trackers must:

  • belong to the project
  • have Title & Timeframe semantics configured

The artifacts of each selected trackers, as soon as they have a start date, an end date, and start date < end date, are displayed as a cell on a single row (one row for the first tracker, another row for the second tracker). Permissions apply.

If the timeframe of artifact A overlaps with timeframe of artifact B, then their corresponding cells overlaps.

The displayed iterations are the one that have timeframe matching the time period of currently displayed gantt tasks: no need to display too old iterations.

  • [x] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [x] Are there any mockups?
  • [x] Are permissions checked?
  • [x] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [x] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [x] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
Nicolas Terray (nterray)
2021-06-18 15:30
2021-05-19 14:30

Referencing story #21379

Git commit


feat(REST API): GET roadmaps/:id/iterations f391cfe9b1
refactor: Move error/empty state in root state b10a82c80f
fix: Adjust label in Roadmap configuration d06e49fab3
refactor: Introduce loadRoadmap b8186f6d08
feat: Parallel retrieval of tasks and iterations master 1dd2fc4a73
feat: Parallel retrieval of tasks and iterations 405f18bc19
feat: Display iterations ribbons 575f9c204b
refactor: move time_period in store 380b504ba8
feat: Display iterations in Roadmap widget 1be838cdcd
feat: Don't display useless iterations 4bace401df
feat: Iteration tracker can be configured e329a9f1b2
feat: XML import of iterations trackers configuration 6fa5da3a72
feat: Display future iterations b35c8b1dd7
Design fixes 11b4cb62a0
Fix extra vertical scrolling due to margins between ribbons 63e210a5db
fix: remove debug exception c60833451c
