    story #9658 log in into a Tuleap instance using only an OpenID Connect provider
log in into a Tuleap instance using only an OpenID Connect provider
The log in and register flows are easier to comprehend and use.
  • It is possible to choose an OpenID Connect as the unique authentication provider for the Tuleap instance
  • When an OpenID Connect provider is selected as the unique authentication provider:
    • Register link in navbar is replaced by a Sign In link
    • Log in link in the navbar does not exist
    • Login form in the homepage is not displayed
    • Existing register page (register.php) is not accessible
    • Existing login page (login.php) is still accessible but nothing should link to this page
    • Users can not unlink their Tuleap from the OpenID Connect provider
    • A user can set/modify a password for his account without knowing the old one (since the old one can not exist if the user has been registered through OpenID Connect). This way the services relying on a password authentication can still work (Git HTTP, Subversion...)
  • If a user try to authenticate and his account does not exist on the Tuleap instance, a new user account is created automatically. If the same email is found in the database you got the usual link page you have when you connect for the first time with a OpenID Connect provider.
  • [x] Does it involves User Interface? 
  • [x] Are there any mockups?
  • [ ] Are permissions checked?
  • [ ] Does it need Javascript development?
  • [x] Does it need a forge upgrade bucket?
  • [ ] Does it need to execute things in system events?
  • [ ] Does it impact project creation (templates)?
  • [ ] Is it exploratory?
  • The claims profile and email must be requested to the OpenID Connect provider so we can get the name, family name and email of the user to create the user account
  • Password fields in the user table can be set to NULL, we need to verify the behavior of :
    • REST
    • SOAP
    • login.php page
    • Git over HTTP
    • SVN
    • Unix authentication (SSH for example)
    • OpenFire (needed?)
Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)
2016-12-05 14:59
2016-11-15 12:06

Referencing story #9658

Git commit


We can set an OpenID Connect provider as the unique authentication endpoint in the database 79dd32cfed
Request the scopes email and profile when the provider is the unique authentication endpoint 47fc6c7b04
You can not unlink a provider defined has unique authentication endpoint from your user account 97cd7806c6
A user can change his password without knowing the previous one 1488a57b7a
Users should not be redirect to the login page when they are not authenticated aca043d9ea
Only a login link to the provider is displayed in the navbar when this provider 733f06b70f
Do not display the login form on the homepage if a provider b86d6aae01
Disable register a user page when registration is not possible 4fcc4c2e26
Directly register a user if a provider is configured as unique authentication endpoint 46a4407ea9
Administrators can see if a provider is the unique authentication endpoint 27665288c9
Administrators can define a provider as unique authentication method b3252841a4
Only show to administrators information when the provider is set as unique authentication provider febbeb3f80
Do not redirect immediatly if the platform is restricted to the anonymous e483f45b1d


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Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2016-11-15 15:39
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Marine Pieux (nynoe)2016-11-15 12:10
  • Attachments site-admin-plugins-openid-connect-unique-provider.sketch removed