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    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    20 (2017-08-21 00:00)

    Referencing rel #10478

    Artifact Tracker v5

    request #10484 Broken drag'n drop on dashboards
    request #10483 remove dead code from computed fields
    request #10490 New site admin management form triggers a lot of SQL requests
    request #10466 TLP form element append/prepend with multiple buttons border-radius problem
    request #10477 Opening a TLP popover should close other ones
    request #10487 Issue with Tuleap User Guide when doing a search
    request #10506 Display the username with the avatar in Scrum cardwall
    request #10500 Remove default password composition rule
    request #10475 Links in TLP should be underlined on demand
    request #10479 SVN post commit script do not display an error message when it fails
    request #10504 Remote code execution through preg_replace() calls
    request #10513 Long lines go outside of comment section
    request #10512 Ugroup binding must be reloaded after project admin actions
    request #10514 Have button bars in TLP
    request #10517 Export SCM statistics for SvnPlugin must be enhanced
    request #10510 SVNPlugin : User rename is not taken into account in SVN access file
    request #10516 Ldap write must rename the user in plugin_ldap_user table
    request #10522 CSV import triggers an error when a column name is used instead of field name
    request #10520 extra space before links in project dropdowns
    request #10523 Links to Git repositories are broken in the heartbeat widget when repositories are in a folder
    request #10527 Distributed Tuleap tests should timeout if they take too much time
    request #10532 Artifacts created via Emailgateway do not have default values
    request #10534 Wrong behavior when we search None in MSB
    request #10533 Button [disable notifications] inadvertently triggered
    request #10529 Searching for empty keywords in an openlist field triggers a warning
    request #10526 MOTD is not displayed in BurningParrot
    request #10491 No SVN at project instantiation
    request #10518 Add a create account link the login page
    request #10538 Lack of margin for project categories in dashboard
    request #9981 Assigned/submitted Tracker widget is slow and unaccurate
    request #10540 Fix regex expression to match the first occurence of a date
    request #10545 Subversion disk statistics are not accurate
    request #10562 cog icon underlined :hover in BP navbar
    request #10550 Add in place in kanban lose focus after first entry
    request #10502 The cross to remove the entry in an input tlp-seach is not taken into account
    request #10511 TLP labels with avatar should be centered
    request #10549 wip exceeded tooltip is hidden for columns on the left
    request #10553 Children tab displays a non styled table
    request #10551 (+) button not re-clickable on IE after [esc]
    request #10561 Plugin IM needs prototypejs on new dashboards
    request #10559 Kanban widget: buttons overlap
    request #10557 Seconds are displayed in artifact modal
    request #10565 Date/time picker should not have a white arrow
    request #10566 When I open an artifact modal in a kanban widget the loader is always present
    request #10546 Breadcrumbs are not styled when using Burning Parrot theme
    request #10069 Tracker comments don't scale up
    request #10766 Generation of admin unix password failure
    request #10398 npm run build should build angular apps
