    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    20 (2018-07-23 00:00)

    Referencing rel #11517

    Artifact Tracker v5

    request #11633 Description value not displayed in Service edition
    request #11650 Dark* theme variants are useless
    request #11656 Pull request plugin depends on Git 2.9+
    request #11659 Force to have a recent enough forgeupgrade to execute PHP 5.6 code
    request #11660 Replace deprecated PHP4-style constructors
    request #11615 Custom ugroup displayed twice on docman permissions
    request #11629 Tuleap sources can not be built with Node 10
    request #11658 Functions can not have multiple parameters with the same name since PHP 7.0
    request #11657 Remove choice of theme in user preferences
    request #11666 Fix ForbiddenBreakContinueOutsideLoop error
    request #11653 Assets of plugins should not be delivered by the tuleap core package
    request #11578 HTMLPurifier gives warning when parsing a link with a domain interpreted as an IDN
    request #11674 Ensure the Tuleap Vault plugin builds and is tested against Vault 0.10.3
    request #11670 Upgrade webpack version
    request #11675 Updating an artifact through SOAP sets an invalid comment format in database
    request #11671 Use an autoloader generated with Composer for the git plugin
    request #11676 Components paths in build-manifest should be relative to plugin path
    request #11514 Import Tooltip instead of having a hidden dependency
    request #11531 Introduce Prettier to ESLint in pre commit hook
    request #11685 XSS through the name of a color of select box values
    request #11686 Upgrade prettier to v1.13.x
    request #11687 Drop SHA1 polyfill
    request #11689 Fix french translation for Notifiy on update option
    request #11062 Git repository should be exportable
    request #10288 In Flaming parrot in user nav bar, icons are not vertically aligned
    request #11692 Wrong URL for admin interface in the mail of project approbation
    request #11459 Retrieve data of multiple Jenkins jobs in parallel
    request #11693 Right-click in "checkout" dropdown should not close it in Firefox
    request #11654 Use Redis as a better cache than APR for
    request #11688 distlp tests should depends on cypress dockerimage
    bugs #11694 Timetracking's Karma tests are not launched during CI
    request #11699 Wrong translation for projectlinks creation
    request #11711 Edit button can be hidden by the tracker field label in field usage administration
    request #11691 Add jenkins to dev stack
    request #11697 Start scrum no longer have colors associated to card types
    request #11695 Could not uncheck Include [Assigned to me] flag in tracker notification
    request #11720 Error: Bad Request: `content` is required in the artifact modal
    request #11698 Update backend security related libraries
    request #11733 Enable prettier for vue files
    request #11739 Tracker report graphs based on open-list always display NULL value
    request #11672 Do not try to reserve a Git reference when a PR is updated
    request #11745 Export of autocompute in archive does not deal properly with last changeset
    request #11750 Dependency graph from TTM does not work in artifact view
    request #11673 Pull Request plugin tests run in PHP 7
    request #11721 Fatal error when "editing in place" a cardwall card
    request #11752 fatal error might occur on move/delete computed field
    request #11777 RNC must block empty label for list field value
    request #11778 [July 2018 edition] Bump EasyDB version
    request #11782 Spelling mistake in a french translation label of the project creation page
    request #11783 Remove useless jQuery placeholder plugin
    request #11784 Pull request can not be accessed anymore if the Git history is rewritten
    request #11787 Console logger of the Tuleap CLI does not properly deal with warnings
    request #11796 Too many SQL calls on "plugin" table done at each hit
    request #11780 import xml project should be a tuleap CLI command
    request #11614 Allow usage of prometheus instead of statsd for instrumentation
    request #11533 Add time to an already existing date
    request #11788 Fatal error when an execution is not linked to a definition
    story #11410 use last simpletest stable version
    request #11789 Webhook are triggered for each changeset during xml import
    request #11803 Remove unused behaviour.js library
    request #11801 Move Captcha plugin tests to PHPUnit and PHP 7
    request #11622 Possibility to configure display name on email notifications from tracker on a per-tracker basis
    request #11812 Add a time format verificator for add and edit time
    request #11328 move some TTM tests to cypress
    request #11180 Field not empty condition should be removed when a transition is deleted
    request #11836 Accessing a docman element without enough permissions raises a fatal error
    request #11668 see times detail on widget
    request #11824 Use an autoloader generated with Composer for the captcha plugin
    request #11838 Accentuate more the new card colors
    request #11843 Fatal error on Mediawiki page when syntax hightlight extension is used and Git plugin is active
    request #11844 FRS can not be accessed
    request #11845 In TTM scripts/assets/ is no more readable
    request #11851 Javascript code on the user registration page is broken
    request #11847 Git web view no longer list tags and branches
    request #11852 Wrong subject for notification of account creation/validation when done by a site administrator
    request #11854 Can not send a mass emailing campaign
    request #11848 Kanban widget can not be deleted
    request #11853 Regular users accessing a private project can no longer ask for membership
    request #11850 New git repository listing displays dates in the future
    request #11846 Fatal error when accessing the Git repo list page with a char outside [A-z0-9-] as project name
    request #11855 Performance issues when querying the permissions table with PDO
    request #11860 Export of SCM statistics is broken
    request #11861 Docman search filters do not list item types anymore
    request #11859 Forked repositories are not displayed after parent repo has been deleted
    request #11903 It's not possible to remove custom sender in tracker notifications once set
