    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    17 (2019-01-30 00:00)

    Referencing rel #12559

    Artifact Tracker v5

    request #12681 Delete an already deleted group leads to error 500
    request #12682 Cannot download an empty FRS file
    request #12683 Drop support of PHP 5.6
    request #12716 Bump to PHPUnit 7
    request #12717 Speed up simpletests execution time
    request #12687 Upgrade dev dependencies January 2019 edition
    request #12723 Run specific phpunit tests
    request #12292 Reminder mails of non accessible trackers are still sent
    request #12726 Burndown and burnup are no longer displayed
    request #12719 Missing something to rebuild the whole gitolite config
    request #12558 Timezones issue with burndown and burnup graphs
    request #12727 Tuleap Realtime server should be available on RHEL/CentOS 7
    request #12725 Bump to paragonie/easydb v2
    request #12721 Cryptography API should be strict about types
    request #12777 Fatal error in Mediawiki fullscreen edition
    request #12760 Ensure the deployed Git post receive hook is up to date on "old" instances
    request #12776 Collect extended error informations when a LDAP bind fails
    request #12789 Clean oldies from tools/utils
    request #12795 Can't download file in Git view
    request #12775 Workflow post actions are executed even on disabled workflow
    request #12801 Approval table icons are not displayed
    request #12803 Tracker field permissions page not refreshed after form submission
    request #12796 Update symfony components to 4.2
    request #12814 Stopping the monitoring of a forum from the "Monitored forums" widget does not work
    request #12805 Configuration file path is not properly given to the realtime server when started via the systemd unit
    request #12793 Use an autoload generated by Composer for the TestManagement plugin
    request #12829 Activate "serialized" hooks by default on new install
    request #12818 Add metrics about Git LFS usage
    request #12804 Jenkins webhook: 'sha1' params is empty, builds might not be accurate
    request #12828 Default wiki page names must be escaped before being used in a SQL query
    request #12720 GIT lfs should compute the overall size in real time
    request #12834 Empty folder if you collapsed it
    request #12581 Git LFS error responses might be returned in a format that does not respect the specification
    request #12844 Remove the last PHP 4 style constructor from the code base
    request #12836 Collected requests status code can be incorrect for requests handled by the "FrontRouter"
    request #12680 Fatal error while accessing the release notes in a deleted project
    request #12876 Fatal error while updating a transition
    request #12837 Jenkins build history widget generates warnings in PHP 7
    request #12845 Help password managers to fill and save correct information
    request #12874 tracker structure export does not allow "+" character for strings
    request #12875 Clear all site data on users logout
    request #12877 Workflow transition permission should not fall back to project_members if no value is selected
    request #12873 Restore permissions on Git LFS data folder when restarting Docker container
    request #12894 Url to Docman admin is broken in permissions per groups admin
    request #12899 Cannot update "Project membership requests delegation"
    request #12897 We can't access the docman admin via the breadcrumb in the new UI anymore
