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    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    19 (2021-08-18 00:00)

    Referencing rel #20933

    Artifact Tracker v5

    request #22237 Cannot create a document via WebDAV when using an access key
    request #22238 Use Ref Vue decorator in Taskboard
    request #21857 Bump cypress to 8.0.0
    request #21409 Edit test button interactions should be consistent
    request #22566 Taskboard end-to-end test fails on "Add in place"
    request #22560 Pressing `escape` in empty space of Taskboard should not trigger an error
    request #22561 Upgrade Sabre/Dav to 4.1.5
    request #22562 Convert dashboard widget modal to TypeScript
    request #22564 qossmic/deptrac-shim: 0.12.0 -> 0.14.1
    request #22570 XSS via the name of a deleted attachment
    request #22573 The "Move artifact" modal loads twice the trackers of the current project
    request #22574 Bump @vue/test-utils to 1.2.2
    request #21865 Improve project admin cypress coverage
    request #22581 Button source is greyed after click on Html mode
    request #22584 Empty state of program management does not take in account the custom names
    request #22589 Memory limit is reached when uploading a large file via tus
    request #22586 Image added in a text field can not be added in attachment
    request #22591 Errors at XML artifact import
    request #22571 Last changeset is missing in certain cases on route GET /changesets
    request #22239 Remove steps in an artifact is not possible
    request #22582 Correct bucket for move program_increment_tracker_id in pi_table
    request #22596 Drop the C toolchain from the Nix shell dev environment
    request #22588 Drop manual assertions after calling EventDispatcherInterface::dispatch
    request #22578 User can submit incorrect plan configuration
    request #22593 HTML text formating can be broken after artefact update
    request #22602 Jira field with assigned users is no more importable
    request #22595 league/commonmark: 1.6.5 -> 2.0.1
    request #22598 stylelint-config-property-sort-order-smacss: 7.0.0 -> 7.1.0
    request #22599 turndown: 7.0.0 -> 7.1.1
    request #22600 Let node/bundlers deal with the package resolution
    request #22559 Program management should be covered by end to end tests
    request #22606 laminas/laminas-httphandlerrunner: 1.4.0 -> 2.0.0
    request #22604 Possible uncorrect behavior when filtering kanban/PV2 cards
    request #22603 Client denial of service via the syntax highlighting of ASCIIDoc content
    request #22609 mermaid: 8.10.2 -> 8.11.3
    request #22594 When filtered by milestone, tracker report can have wrong artifacts
    request #22607 Add the Figma logo to the list of available service logos
    request #22605 Add a link to the documentation in the systemd units
    request #22597 Add to top backlog does not work when it's done by workflow post action
    request #22608 esbuild-loader: 2.13.0 -> 2.14.0
    request #22614 PHP80 FPM config files are missing on docker restart
    request #22611 Taskboard is broken when stories are linked to tasks that are in another project
    request #22617 mini-css-extract-plugin: 1.3.9 -> 2.2.0
    request #22610 Updating program configuration break the workflow
    request #22621 On firefox saving user group can fail
    request #22623 Cannot add a first column to a tracker report table
    request #22201 In Add Item dropdown view in backlog planning, parents shouldn't show duplicates
    request #22620 Permissions user group are not properly cleaned when PI is updated
    request #22615 Transition rule for add to top backlog can fail
    request #22626 UI permissions for drag and drop feature are not correct
    request #22633 Update program management main empty state
    request #22632 Can not do research in artifact link modal
    request #22624 css-loader: 5.2.6 -> 6.2.0
    request #22634 Field dependencies : list picker can be not initialized for target field
    request #22592 Move to npm 7
    request #22613 Psalm: 4.8.1 -> 4.9.3
    request #22635 None value is always available for selectbox
    request #22631 Export a suspended project shouldn't be possible
    request #22625 Concurrent notification no longer shows text field changes
    request #22637 Remove specific handling of IE and Edge Legacy in features
    request #22638 xdebug-fpm should be correctly preconfigured for debugger
    request #21006 Legacy search can longer be focused
    request #22628 Add notification message when concurrent editing on modal
    request #22640 Git repositories list cannot be displayed if user is not admin
    request #22590 Add headers in Jira debug files
    request #22642 Fix fatal error on PHPWiki diffs
    request #22643 Fix PHP fatal errors at PHPWiki instantiation
    request #22644 Fix errors in PHPWiki with PHP 8.0
    request #22641 Text steps should be updatable in text format on rest route
