The goal of this epic is to provide a convenient way to create, access & edit MS Office files with OnlyOffice on top of Docman (TCE) and Documents (TEE).
This will support both regular MS Office (as well as all OnlyOffice supported formats) documents uploaded in Tuleap and documents created directly in Tuleap.
docman & document
At the time of writing, docman
is the historical product for Document Management and document
the new plugin that brings a modern UX based on Tuleap Design System called "Burning Parrot". document
is only available in Tuleap Enterprise Edition (TEE) while docman
is available in both TEE and Tuleap Community Edition (TCE).
With the inclusion of OnlyOffice integration, having to manage two different systems will be too much overhead or present holes in the implementation. For instance we would able to create a "Word" in document but not in docman, or it would mean that we would have to do the implementation twice.
This epic includes the "merge" of document & docman plugin and to make both part TCE. Concretely speaking:
will be part of TCE
- all features already existing in
are removed from docman
(no longer need to maintain 2 implementations)
will be mandatory for people that already use docman
Expected behavior
Creation of document
The creation of new documents is rewamped to offer the possibility to create OnlyOffice documents:

Note: this modification takes also into account that "Embedded documents" will evolve into so markdown based collaborative edition (see epic #26788).
Edit of documents
By default, when the integration with OnlyOffice is enabled, clicking on an Office document will open the document in OnlyOffice.
Current limitations
- When an OnlyOffice document is displayed
- the project background image is not displayed (header not big enough to make sense here)
- the project is not displayed (the toggle to display/hide is in the sidebar but as the sidebar is not displayed... we don't know how to handle this)