    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    20 (2014-02-03 00:00)

    Referenced by rel #5801

    Artifact Tracker v5

    story #5678 contact administrators of a project
    story #5702 import/export agile dashboard with tracker from the Web UI
    story #5696 see proftpd logs inside project admin
    story #5695 browse the content of SFTP directory
    story #5802 have burndown in stand-up view
    story #5619 Have an enhanced Experimental theme
    story #5828 import tv3 summary into exact same tv5
    story #5813 set permissions on file system to different groups
    story #5916 have a mapping between mediawiki and tuleap groups
    story #5918 have documentation about Mediawiki plugin
    story #5830 export tv3 attachements into tv5 xml
    story #5870 be able to assign Git Admin permissions to some users in the project
    story #5899 be able to filter on information in the backlog (product/release)
    story #5912 PUT /milestones/:id/milestones
    story #5919 edit artifact in place on agile dashboard
    request #5818 Git issue with a renamed user
    request #5856 Tracker V5 : Description of attachment is not displayed
    request #5895 Export tracker structure do not keep default values for list fields
    request #5909 Fixing REST tests on project import from XML
    request #5911 Adding some options to to comply with exotic mysql servers
    request #5913 Wrong service icon for Agile Dashboard plugin
    request #5941 Cannot import a field which is defined as Multi-Select
    request #5950 Computed fields are not exported in csv
    request #5986 URLs are corrupted by a double escape
    request #6013 Text in HTML format is sent as HTML in plain/text mail notifications
    request #6024 Extending access right to a document makes it invisible in fulltextsearch
    request #6087 fatal error when creating an artifact
    request #6071 cannot delete cross reference on tracker
    request #5949 Experimental theme : service tooltip is not well positioned when the sidebar is collapsed
    request #6102 JS error on 'tagName' on cardwall renderer
    request #6099 Error in syslog during DAILY system event
    request #6101 Admins don't received mail when a user create an account
    request #6089 Fatal error when removing user as project member
    request #6091 cannot change a user name and use new name to log-in
    request #5979 Global notification is not sent if only fields are changed
    request #5914 Lot of warning when running make api_test
    request #6020 Unable to re-add projectlinks widget in dashboard
    request #6106 Cannot add a new gerrit server
    request #5807 Incoherent names displayed in Agiledashboard planning pane
