    Manuel Vacelet (vaceletm)
    20 (2014-05-01 00:00)

    Referencing rel #6424
    Referenced by rel #6424

    Artifact Tracker v5

    story #6455 finish having a beautiful register and change password page
    story #6008 Have an enhanced Experimental theme v2
    story #6409 have a beautiful artifact view
    story #6411 have a beautiful follow-ups in artifact view
    story #6439 have beautiful table reports
    story #6410 have a beautiful attachements in artifact view
    story #6307 see artifact references on the right of the artifact view
    story #6053 define a text field default value in a text area
    story #6342 have more options on tracker and artifact view
    request #6609 "require all words" unselectable in Experimental theme
    request #6618 Ui regressions
    request #6640 Javascript error when creating a new artifact
    request #6654 Artifact Links no longer dynamically loaded
    story #6669 have d3 pie chart
    story #6670 have beautiful bar chart reports
    story #6671 finish story #6409: have a beautiful artifact view
    request #6712 Having a more explicit message about IE7 and IE8
    request #6733 No more able to select a date with the datepicker during artifact creation
    request #6737 Requester is not admin when project is created via SOAP
    request #6714 No submit button after error on update
    request #6591 renaming a project messes-up git
    request #6731 Artifact link modal window is opening when performing a carriage return
    request #6775 Bad request when accessing git repositories
    request #6725 have a more explicit button for project backlog
    request #6783 Form plugins do not work on phpwiki
    request #4617 I can activate Continuous integration for a project whereas it is disabled for the platform
    request #6793 PHP notice when adding values in select box field
    request #6794 After tracker creation, no default tracker color
    request #6786 None column on the cardwall renderer is empty when the ui is in french
    request #5703 gibberish and notice shown for http domain on admin -> project management
    story #6696 Add a color per tracker
    request #6806 The word "Group" should be "Project" in admin area
