Report: Default



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Matching artifacts: 54

Artifact ID
As a
I want to
Initial effort
Remaining effort
Rank in Dashboard Agile
12200Add propover in tlp/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png On Going32.5N/A
12061Edit times on the widget V2/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png On Going1.50.5tasks #11806, tasks #12101N/A
12249Edit times on the widget V2/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Todo0.50.5tasks #11806, tasks #12101N/A
12248Add propover in tlp/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png On Going32.5N/A
11680Add times by the widget's modal/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Done30tasks #11807, tasks #11874N/A
11980Refactoring: use easygettext for translations/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Done10rel #12154N/A
12308Have base crosstimetracking widget/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Done30tasks #12315, tasks #12318N/A
12309Have writting mode for crossTimetracking widget/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Done41.75tasks #12350N/A
12397Have writting mode for crossTimetracking widget/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Done20.5tasks #12341, tasks #12346N/A
11979Refactoring: introduce vuex for existing/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Done40tasks #12056, tasks #12057, tasks #12063, tasks #12098N/A
12176Add a time checker on details modal/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Done0.3N/A
11978Refactoring: split in smaller component/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png Done0.5N/A
11738Add time to an already existing date/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png DoneN/A
12627Display Trackers' times on Timetracking Overview Widget/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png On Going60story #11800, tasks #12643, tasks #12644N/A
12460Have writting mode for timetracking overview/themes/FlamingParrot/images/blank16x16.png On Going30.5tasks #12319, tasks #12461, tasks #12462, tasks #12490N/A
Items 1630 of 54Items per page :