Report: Scrum



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Matching artifacts: 99

Artifact ID
I want to
Last Modified On
25739collect statistics about mediawiki storage usage2024-03-25 11:52N/AReady (stalled)
27159see children items in roadmap, even if they don't have a timeframe2024-02-05 10:28N/AReady (stalled)
27145define the label & changelog of the first revision of my document2024-01-04 10:24N/AReady (stalled)
24232access easily test campaign artifact from TTM2024-01-04 10:25N/AReady (stalled)
29609search on artifact ids2024-01-04 10:25N/AReady (stalled)
28883allow to group trackers on tracker service page2023-08-30 16:49N/AReady (stalled)
28882associate an arbitrary payload to a tracker2023-08-30 16:49N/AReady (stalled)
22708flexibility in the management of Tuleap Configuration2023-01-18 15:43N/AReady (stalled)
30738import the content of an existing SVN repository into a SVN repository hosted on Tuleap2023-02-02 15:22N/AReady (stalled)
28264open generated docx/xslx in OnlyOffice2023-01-18 15:42N/AReady (stalled)
28275open OnlyOffice files from anywhere2023-01-18 15:42N/AReady (stalled)
26800create a gitlab repository from Tuleap2022-11-08 15:19N/AReady (stalled)
10468configure notification on closed artifacts2022-09-21 12:01N/AReady (stalled)
17994write documents using markdown in Document2022-09-21 12:01N/AReady (stalled)
18339efficient markdown2022-09-21 12:01N/AReady (stalled)
24231export TTM reports as xlsx2022-09-21 12:00N/AReady (stalled)
22666export follow-up comments2022-06-20 16:59N/AReady (stalled)
26781have a configuration screen for XLSX export2022-06-20 16:59N/AReady (stalled)
20110import a new follow-up comment with CSV import2021-03-19 15:38N/AReady (stalled)
20108have the artifact comment in my CSV export2021-03-26 16:13N/AReady (stalled)
Count (group by)
Items 120 of 99Items per page :