
Release Name: 5.1

yum update tuleap-*

If you are running RHEL (or CentOs) >= 5.6, you are likely to get a error message about php53-common.
It's a known issue and it's solved by installing php-pecl-json package before running yum update
Changes: Version 5.1 (Wednesday, May 23rd 2012) == Enhancement == * Add new methods in the SOAP api (get the statistics of a project, view svn top commiters, access to user groups of a project, ...) == Plugins == * New plugin: Fulltextsearch v0.2 DISCLAIMER: plugin in beta, do not use it on production servers. * Docman v2.54.5 * AgileDashboard v0.19 * Tracker v5.7.14 * Git v2.5.4 * Statistics v0.11 == Bug fix == * Fix bug with IE7 and drag'n drop in scriptaculous. * Definitively delete mailing list in the db (Contrib STMicroelectronics) == Development == * Check release with git (since now Tuleap sources are under git!) * jQuery support: Now Tuleap support jQuery as an alternative of Prototypejs/Scriptaculous. * Bootstrap support: Introduce dropdown plugin from Bootstrap to replace our own implementation of dropdown panels. This improve compatibility with Internet Explorer.