
Release Name: 6.9

Tuleap 6.9 (Thursday, January 9th 2014)


### agiledashboard 1.31

    * story #5714 - a dedicated, fullscreen, stand-up view
    * Fix request #5751 : PUT /milestones/123/content does not remove anymore links from other trackers than content trackers.
    * Fix request #5807: Long name is always displayed in Agile Dashboard planning pane
    * Bug fixing RESt/Cardwall
- Cast column ids to integer
- Return status in english
- Add Cardwall only when needed
    * Add GET /milestones/:id/cardwall
Add OPTIONS /milestones/:id/cardwall

### cardwall 1.12

    * story #5649 - OPTIONS|PUT /cards/:id
    * story #5714 - a dedicated, fullscreen, stand-up view
    * Bug fixing RESt/Cardwall
- Cast column ids to integer
- Return status in english
- Add Cardwall only when needed
    * Add GET /milestones/:id/cardwall
Add OPTIONS /milestones/:id/cardwall

### docman 2.26.27

    * Fix request #5022 : Lock icon for document writers
    * Fix fatal error on docman notifications. A consequence of this error is that date reminders are not sent-out.

### git 3.63

    * Fix request #5803: Not able to define an http_port for gerrit servers
    * Fix request #5774: enable to delete a gerrit server as site admin. Foreign keys in db were preventing deletion.

### tracker 5.216

    * Fix for cannot submit artifact when in HTML edit mode with 'Required' flag set
    * request #5736 - on follow-up comment pencil click, I am redirected to top of the page
    * story #5649 - OPTIONS|PUT /cards/:id
    * request #5816 - Textarea fixed size lost with 6.7 release
    * Fix request #5812: HTML interpreted in My Artifacts widget
    * Bug fixing RESt/Cardwall
- Cast column ids to integer
- Return status in english
- Add Cardwall only when needed
    * story #5674 - hide history changes in follow-up comments
    * story #5514 - Order values in select boxes
    * Fix PHP notice when editing artifact
    * Fix JS behaviour on textarea and followup body_format selectbox on Firefox
    * Fix request #5758 - Fatal error when trying to update an artifact


    * Making the RESt API resource list public
    * Basic CSRF protection

Bug Fix

    * Fix request #5779: Fatal error when using getSvnStatsFiles SOAP method
    * Fix request #5808: Package id in file download link is now correctly updated
    * Fix request #4305 - Warnings when a plugin is installed
    * Fix request #5805 : SVN_UPDATE_HOOKS returns more relevant information if simlink cannot be done
    * Fix request #5551: Wrong message when adding a file in a release (IE9)
    * Fix request #5826 - Cannot login with Chrome or IE when domain name is an IP address


    * SOAP core: 6.4.1



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