So that I can switch to the Gerrit workflow
Excluded at this point : Restrict read access for Gerrit repos (i.e. Read access will be given to all gerrit "registered-users")
Acceptance criteria Note: the act of transforming an existing repo to a gerrit repo, will make it become a Gerrit repo, i.e. permissions will no longer be handled in tuleap. No copy of the original repo is made.
Given that the Gerrit instance have been configured with the Tuleap user (non interactive user with ssh key)
And the Gerrit instance has the Tuleap plugin
= I provide an url for the gerrit instance =
Given I choose to transform an existing repo "mobile" of the "Firefox" Project to Gerrit repo
When I provide the URL
Then a new Gerrit project "Firefox-mobile" is created on
?? Should we
= Ask for confirmation before transforming to a Gerrit repo =
Given I'm at the administration page of a Tuleap repo
When I choose "Transform to Gerrit repo"
Then I am prompted to confirm my choice
= The repo is fully cloned =
And the repo is fully cloned (git clone --bare)
= Permissions are managed in Gerrit =
Given I'm at the administration page of a Tuleap Gerrit repo
Then I can see that all users have read access and the group Gerrit has rewind access
And I can't change read/write and rewind access
And I can't change the description