      request #10261 Notifications can be sent two times to the same mail address
    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)
    2017-09-25 09:59
    2017-05-29 15:23
    Notifications can be sent two times to the same mail address
    A user can receive the same notifications two times if, for example, it is in the global notification of a tracker (through a user group) and reply to an artifact.
    • [ ] enhancement
    • [ ] internal improvement


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    When the artifact is updated, Tuleap looks for users to be monitored:
    - users in fields that send notifications (ugroups/users lists) E.g: "Assigned To" field,
    - users who made a follow-up,
    - users / emails that are in global notification.

    For each, Tuleap builds a message body accordingly to the user permissions. The message body contains the follow-up comment + fields change + current value of all fields of the artifact.

    In our case, if (for example) "Assigned To" field is not readable by User, it will not appear in her notification. **Unless for global notification without permission checking**. Therefore we have two different messages, one with "Assigned To" field (global notification), one without (user made a followup) => double notification.

    Does it answer your question?
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    I confirm that the user does not have Read access to a few fields in that tracker but I'm sorry I'm still having a hard time understanding the reason for the duplicate emails. Would it be possible to explain?
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    Accordingly to your screenshot, the configuration may explain why the user is getting two notifications. To confirm this, you can check the fields permissions of this tracker for the user. If she cannot read at least one field, then it may explain the double notification.
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    Then it can explain why the user is getting two notifications:

    * The global notification where permissions are not checked
    * The normal notfication where permissions are checked

    Since the number of fields in the notification might differ accordingly to the permissions, there is two different bodies, thus two notifications. Could you please confirm?
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    imtinene (imtinene)2017-09-13 18:32
    We are also facing the same issue . In our case , a user is part of the global notification, there is a custom field in the tracker which is set with Send notifications to selected people and every time the user do a comment or change a field value, he receives two notifications.
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    Hi Patricia,

    We don't manage to reproduce the issue, and the management of duplicate emails has not changed since 9.9, therefore I don't see why your user is getting two notifications. We would need more details about the setup to better investigate the issue:

    * content of /var/log/maillog generated during the artifact update
    * content of tracker_global_notification table for the given tracker
    * info of the impacted user (id, email)

    (beware of sensitive data since we are on a public tracker)
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    Hi, we are using Tuleap™ version 9.10 and have experienced this issue. According to this request the issue was solved in 9.9. Has the bug been re-introduced? In our case the user is part of the Global Notification, and if he/she adds a comment, two notifications are sent. Thanks

    • Reported in version cleared values: 9.7
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    Integrated into Tuleap

    • Status changed from Under review to Closed
    • Connected artifacts
    • Close date set to 2017-05-29
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    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2017-05-29 15:44
    A patch is under review: gerrit #8495.

    • Summary
      -Notifications can be sent two times to the same mail adress 
      +Notifications can be sent two times to the same mail address 
    • Original Submission
      Something went wrong, the follow up content couldn't be loaded
      Only formatting have been changed, you should switch to markup to see the changes
    • Status changed from Under implementation to Under review