      request #13440 REST API: Project shortname is forced to lowercase characters
    Houssem Eddine Azzouz (heazzouz)
    2019-06-28 10:25
    2019-05-30 14:51
    REST API: Project shortname is forced to lowercase characters
    This problem occurs when project related information is retrieved using REST API (project & svn). The project's "shortname" figures among the several properties returned in the JSON output. The API subroutines are expected to provide the shortname respecting its case. However, project shortnames are transformed to lowercase.
    • [ ] enhancement
    • [ ] internal improvement
    3 -- The output of the API subroutine


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    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2019-06-27 18:47
    gerrit #15149 integrated into Tuleap

    Thanks for your first contribution @heazzouz!

    • Status changed from Waiting for information to Closed
    • Reported in version changed from 11.1 to All
    • Connected artifacts
    • Close date set to 2019-06-27
    • Platform cleared values: EL7 (CentOS|RHEL)
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    Should I develop and propose it as a contribution ?

    If you're willing to, you sure can !

    User avatar
    Hello again,

    I also believe that adding the repository URL to the GET /svn/{id} representation is the fittest solution. Should I develop and propose it as a contribution ?
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    Thomas Gerbet (tgerbet)2019-06-07 11:44

    Manually building URLs is not something that is supported. To support this use case we probably should add the repository URL in the representation returned by GET /svn/{id}.

    The REST route GET /project/{id} is working as expected.
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    The problem is related to the use case of constructing the URLs of SVN repositories using the shortname that is retrieved from the API.
    The SVN repos URLs have to include the "real" case shortname otherwise they won't work.
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    Hello Manuel,

    Here is an example (view screenshots in attachments):
    1. A new project called "A Test Project" is created with its property shortname set to "aTESTproject00"
    2. The SVN service is activated and a repository is created under the name "Test-repo1"
    3. The API subroutine GET /projects/{id}/svn is called to list the SVN repos under "A Test Project" : the JSON outputs the shortname is lowercase characters

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    Could you share an example where the shortname mistmatch in the API ?

    (FWIW, most if not all the API is desgined to rely on IDs and resources URIs to avoid this case issue)