Original Submission Have a wiki document in a nested folder. For example: root -> Folder A -> Folder B -> Folder C -> wiki
Go to the root of the documents (breadcrumbs is: [Documents>).
Stay on root, and expand A, B, C folders.
Do not open the preview (quick look), but click on the wiki link.
You are redirected to the wiki service.
Go back in the history.
You are redirected to the root folder. (breadcrumbs is: [Documents>)
Now, still on the root folder, open the preview (quick look) of the wiki.
Click on [Go to the wiki page].
You are redirected to the wiki service (same page as before).
Go back in the history.
=> You are not redirected to the root folder like before. (breadcrumbs is: [Documents>A>B>C>wiki>)
I suggest to keep the current folder location in the preview url to have a consistent navigation.